Marques de Marialva
During Renaissance most of the Arts became more refined than ever, it was a time for Intuition and Self development. In Portugal the Equestrian Art was at its peak as an Art form.
The Marquis of Marialva, Brave Knight for the King and Royal Master of the Horse, inspired the Noble Art of Cavalry.... An Art that loses itself in time and History. From the Neolithic on the inhabitants of the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, rode like this first to Hunt, then to Battle and in the eighteenth century the Enlightened Marquis of Marialva, brings it to the stage of Pure Art in the Royal Manege and the Great Arena, where the culmination of this Art or the rise of the Centaur would take place and would emanate from the Fight with the Great Iberian Bull....
Thanks to the Master that Secret survives to our days, despite all the confusion nowadays with dressage or the so called Classical riding, there is still a little corner of the World where this unique way of Riding survives, The Art of Marialva. The very few Cavaleiros that Ride in this Ancient way, are called Marialvas, in Honor of the Great Master he was, not only in the Battle Field but also in the Great Arena, where in one afternoon He killed with his own sword the Bull that killed his Son.... This event, named " The Last Bullfight in Salvaterra", is linked directly with the short break of Bullfighting in Portugal, but also with the begining of the Portuguese Corrida or Bullfight as we know nowadays, where the True Art of Horsemanship, the Horse and the Bravery of the Forcados takes the center Stage instead of the death of the Bull. The Fight itself between the Horseman and the Bull is sorrounded by many Rules and codes of Honor, much like the Chilvary Days, when Honor, Bravery, Devotion and Mercy were the rule.
The Marquis of Marialva, Brave Knight for the King and Royal Master of the Horse, inspired the Noble Art of Cavalry.... An Art that loses itself in time and History. From the Neolithic on the inhabitants of the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, rode like this first to Hunt, then to Battle and in the eighteenth century the Enlightened Marquis of Marialva, brings it to the stage of Pure Art in the Royal Manege and the Great Arena, where the culmination of this Art or the rise of the Centaur would take place and would emanate from the Fight with the Great Iberian Bull....
Thanks to the Master that Secret survives to our days, despite all the confusion nowadays with dressage or the so called Classical riding, there is still a little corner of the World where this unique way of Riding survives, The Art of Marialva. The very few Cavaleiros that Ride in this Ancient way, are called Marialvas, in Honor of the Great Master he was, not only in the Battle Field but also in the Great Arena, where in one afternoon He killed with his own sword the Bull that killed his Son.... This event, named " The Last Bullfight in Salvaterra", is linked directly with the short break of Bullfighting in Portugal, but also with the begining of the Portuguese Corrida or Bullfight as we know nowadays, where the True Art of Horsemanship, the Horse and the Bravery of the Forcados takes the center Stage instead of the death of the Bull. The Fight itself between the Horseman and the Bull is sorrounded by many Rules and codes of Honor, much like the Chilvary Days, when Honor, Bravery, Devotion and Mercy were the rule.
~ Origins... ~
From Greeks to Romans, from Spanish to French, the accounts from the battlefield seem to all have a common point; the Fascination and Superstition of these Powerful Empires, everytime they came across a Lusitano Warrior, defending his Land. What was their Secret ? What moved them ?
How could this small, fragile and Magic Land of Lusitania, make even the most Powerful Emperors, fear to face Her Warriors in Battle ?
From the tales of Atlantis to documented History, the presence and interaction of Bulls, Horses and People in this southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, is constant. Creation placed in this part of the World a very particular type of Bull or "Auroque", in its primitive name, and also a very particular type of Horse, the Sorraia, through whom the Great Horse from the foundations of Atlantis, would have come. These two Animals, sacred to Celtiberians, shared and competed for this small, but for some reason that History forgot, Magical Land...
Everywhere else on the Planet, Bulls are below Horses in the natural Hierarquy, but here in Lusitania, Bulls and Horses fought Fiercely for the Fertile Grasslands, developing in the Horses a natural Ability to tease, surround, charge and dodge their competitor, and as the Horse so was the Bull to become a Warrior fighting for Survival.
The Neolitic Man soon felt the natural attraction for these Bulls and Horses, not only because the Bull was their natural prey, but even, and as believed in Atlantis, for the game and joy of these competitions of Bulls and Horses, that immediately he took part of. Hunting these Powerful Animals from the back of a Horse, that inately knew his way around these Dangerous Bulls, brought Prosperity to the small Iberian populations of then...
Later on in History, and already with the Celtic influence, the Iberians were now Celtiberians, Lusitania became a very dangerous place, constantly under invasions, and now more then ever, but then again for the same reason, Survival, the Bull, Horse and Man, had to reunite Strengths to defend their Land, this time not from each other, but from the ruthless Invader...
Doing what they always did in this Corner of the World, Fighting the Bulls from the Horses back, they developed into a form of Riding, that not only was undefeatable in the Battlefield, but that also would change History forever and set the Foundations of Classical Riding, and of a new Kingdom, the Kingdom of Portugal. Behind the Lusitano People's Courage, Faith and extreme Ability to protect their land, are the Bull and the Horse, the two Mythological Creatures that later on would give back to the Brave Lusitanos, their Beloved Lusitania, without which, was not worth living...
How could this small, fragile and Magic Land of Lusitania, make even the most Powerful Emperors, fear to face Her Warriors in Battle ?
From the tales of Atlantis to documented History, the presence and interaction of Bulls, Horses and People in this southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, is constant. Creation placed in this part of the World a very particular type of Bull or "Auroque", in its primitive name, and also a very particular type of Horse, the Sorraia, through whom the Great Horse from the foundations of Atlantis, would have come. These two Animals, sacred to Celtiberians, shared and competed for this small, but for some reason that History forgot, Magical Land...
Everywhere else on the Planet, Bulls are below Horses in the natural Hierarquy, but here in Lusitania, Bulls and Horses fought Fiercely for the Fertile Grasslands, developing in the Horses a natural Ability to tease, surround, charge and dodge their competitor, and as the Horse so was the Bull to become a Warrior fighting for Survival.
The Neolitic Man soon felt the natural attraction for these Bulls and Horses, not only because the Bull was their natural prey, but even, and as believed in Atlantis, for the game and joy of these competitions of Bulls and Horses, that immediately he took part of. Hunting these Powerful Animals from the back of a Horse, that inately knew his way around these Dangerous Bulls, brought Prosperity to the small Iberian populations of then...
Later on in History, and already with the Celtic influence, the Iberians were now Celtiberians, Lusitania became a very dangerous place, constantly under invasions, and now more then ever, but then again for the same reason, Survival, the Bull, Horse and Man, had to reunite Strengths to defend their Land, this time not from each other, but from the ruthless Invader...
Doing what they always did in this Corner of the World, Fighting the Bulls from the Horses back, they developed into a form of Riding, that not only was undefeatable in the Battlefield, but that also would change History forever and set the Foundations of Classical Riding, and of a new Kingdom, the Kingdom of Portugal. Behind the Lusitano People's Courage, Faith and extreme Ability to protect their land, are the Bull and the Horse, the two Mythological Creatures that later on would give back to the Brave Lusitanos, their Beloved Lusitania, without which, was not worth living...
"Fighting Bulls from the Horses back
became the most important war exercise..."
Not only Superior Mobilization and Collection was achieved from the fight with the Bull, but also the awakening of the Horses core, or as Greeks described, the centaur coming to Life, Pure Intuition that the Iberian Horse and Rider developed to the Highest levels of Comunication and Elasticity. They were the Elite War Horses, only an equally Skilled Warrior could fight on their back, this training was far beyond just simple trained maneuvers, it was something from the Spirit, something Created to be Together, Ordened from Above. Horses that fought and had the same interest in battle as their Masters.
Side by side, they Fought like Poets Wrote, with Passion for their Land of Lusitania....
Side by side, they Fought like Poets Wrote, with Passion for their Land of Lusitania....
ATLANTIS .... Myth or hidden Reality
Atlantis was known in Old Greece to be situated in the farthest Land of the west of the Classical Period, beyond the Pillars of Hercules, where the Ocean had Rage and was impossible to navigate....
Once again we find references of the connection of Atlanteans with Bulls and Horses. Said from Atlantis that Humans and Animals lived in perfect Balance and Harmony, accepting fully their part in the environment.
Famous were the Horses of Atlantis, that according to the accounts, by the time of the fall of this Civilization, were separated, one Strain taken to the Far East, the other remaining in the main Land, later called Lusitania .....
Once again we find references of the connection of Atlanteans with Bulls and Horses. Said from Atlantis that Humans and Animals lived in perfect Balance and Harmony, accepting fully their part in the environment.
Famous were the Horses of Atlantis, that according to the accounts, by the time of the fall of this Civilization, were separated, one Strain taken to the Far East, the other remaining in the main Land, later called Lusitania .....
Roman Invasions
Romanization brought disgrace and violence to Lusitania, constant Wars that changed deeply the relationship between Animals and People.
Atlantis and her Beliefs could not exist anymore.
The Bulls, Horses and Riders, that once Flew across the Planes and Challenged each other in endless games, where only Nature had the Power to Rule, were now slaves of Rome or Guerrilla Warriors. Old Beliefs and Culture were massively erased. Violence and discrimination for other Species and Humans, was estimulated through bloody Arena games, that had nothing of Honor, Bravery and Respect for the Adversary.
Atlantis and her Beliefs could not exist anymore.
The Bulls, Horses and Riders, that once Flew across the Planes and Challenged each other in endless games, where only Nature had the Power to Rule, were now slaves of Rome or Guerrilla Warriors. Old Beliefs and Culture were massively erased. Violence and discrimination for other Species and Humans, was estimulated through bloody Arena games, that had nothing of Honor, Bravery and Respect for the Adversary.
Although and as always, Creation has the last Word.....
Don Gualdim Paes
Somehow a certain amount of Natural Culture, seems to be passed Genetically. Some Individuals seem to be Born with a Touch from the Gods, maybe Instruments of Light, that throughout History have been keeping the Flame of Atlantis alive. We find the examples of Avalon and Camelot, that Historians ignore, or of the Knights Templar, that because of their Advanced Ideas and their Honor, Loyalty and Devotion, not to a King but to their Faith, were prosecuted by the Roman Church and burnt at stake.
The Treasure Survives....
Portugal found the Knights Templar, not guilty of the charges, and simply by changing the name of the Order to The Knights of Christ, based in the Tomar Castle in central Portugal, King Dom Diniz would contribute to the keeping of the Ancient Identity of Iberian People, the very Flame of Atlantis would Survive to our days...
~ The Divine Inspiration of Renaissance ~
... Rebirth ...
El Rey Dom Jose
After the Death of the Son of Master Marialva, what History called " The Last Bullfight in Salvaterra ", King Joseph's Counselour, the Marquis of Pombal, with his French influence and Hatred for the Noble Art of Lancing Bulls, convinced the King to put an end to the Royal Bullfights, and imediately ordered the demolition of the Famous Arena of the Campo Santanna, Lisbon. With the Death of King Joseph, his Daughter Dona Maria, was to become the Regent of the Throne, and therefore Queen Maria I of Portugal...
The evil deeds of Her Father's Counselour, the Marquis of Pombal, did not go unnoticed and imediately She removed all the power and titles that were given by Her Father to the old Counselour, and reinstituted the Royal Art of Bullfighting, that Her Father so much Loved.
A new chapter begins for the History of Bullfighting in Portugal, with a Feminine Touch...
The Queen ordered that the Bulls were not to be killed anymore, by sparing their lifes, Queen Maria would found the Identity of the "Portuguese Corrida" as we know today, and also contribute to the foundation of the "Casa da Guarda" or the House of Guardians later called the Forcados or Bull Grabbers, who primarily formed with their sticks, "the Forcado", an improvised Arena wall, to contain the bull in a certain area of the public Square, where the Horseman would Fight the Bull with all the Codes of Honor. In the end of the Fight and because the Bulls were no longer killed, these same Brave Men, often of Noble Blood, would line up and provoke the charge of the Bull, the first in line received the impact of the Beast on his torso and would wrap his arms around the its horns, much like in the Greek Period, when the Ancient Auroque was Grabbed by Arm as an offer to the Gods...
The Light in the end of the tunnel...
When i first came to Los Acres, i felt something different in the air. As an Atlantean and from the Templar City of Tomar, i immediately sensed the Magic of that Place, through the Horses Eyes. Was it possible? Was i looking into the Eyes of the Horse of Atlantis? The Famous Strain that was taken to the middle east, was here. Everytime i would touch one i would lift his or hers forelock, and there it would be, the hole in the forehead, the Sign of the Horse of Atlantis. These Horses were incredible Expressive, Noble and Proud.
There was a Feeling of Joy and Happiness when around Them....
Terry, Jackie, and Jojo had the same expressions and Happiness as their Horses.
Later i found a Story in a book that Jackie had written and given to me when i visited, of how a Belief in a Horse and a Man, against all odds, would lead this Man and Horse to Stardome.
That Man was Paul and the Horse Fadjur. The first time i met Paul was something different too, when i went to shake his hand he adopted a different position, a Boxing position. Right then i realized, this was not an ordinary man, he had the Strength and Energy of a King, the Intuition of an Old Master, all combined with lots of Happiness and Kindness, a True Atlantean.
Animals Loved him and were amazingly interested in him, especially the Horses. Paul Loved everything in Nature, the Land, the Birds, the Horses and the Deere, the John Deere......
I could be working a Horse on a busy farming day, still Paul had always time to stop, observe and Laugh at the Horse's Energy. I felt always nervous, like beeing observed by Nature Herself through Paul's eyes. He did not care how Fancy one trained or rode. For him what only mattered, was how the Horse felt about you as you worked with him. He Loved everything that was spontaneous in the Animals .
One time on Father's Day, we trained the Horses with a little Bull, by the end of the practice, Paul Happily told me: "That was the darndest thing i ever watched". Like Hemingway said about Bullfighters, so did Paul, he lived every day of his Life to the fullest. He slept because he had too, because even late into the night, when he had to get up to go turn irrigation pumps off,
he had time to look at frogs that jumped so Good, that he wanted to catch them and compete in frog jumps!
I considered Paul, another King Arthur, his Beliefs were amazingly advanced, even for modern days. His Simplicity was Remarkable, his Beliefs will Live on, no matter what happens. just like before King Arthur's death, He said: "I must Die but Camelot Lives on..."
We continue the Good Fight, everyday, until the next Enlightened One that will Hold the Sword...... JSC